Wedding Services
Love-Based Minister for a Positive Energy Experience
Service Description
Jenny has been performing weddings since 2018 and focuses on inspirational words of love in her ceremony. Prices vary due to size, location, date, and services provided. Additional services available: Smudging with sacred herbs and resins Candle ceremony with custom handmade candles Sound services with microphone and speaker for the ceremony (providing there is electricity at your location of choice) Wedding Party Wellness Treats -can include hot teas and a healthy snack tray at the wedding or reception, or be an evening of learning-led celebrating before the big day. Let's get everyone feeling great for this next big chapter of your lives and even get into a hand-on creative project where everybody has fun. Call to discuss different options. Reception Gifts that we can plan together like a custom tea blend we can hand package or small tins of salve with the couple's names printed on them. Let's get creative!

Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 24 hours notice of cancellation, or you may be billed a cancellation fee of $25. I may have had to pay sitters to meet with you and this is non-refundable. Thanks for understanding!
Contact Details
This is in GREENLAND, about a mile south of the Fayetteville airport. 541 South Main Avenue, Fayetteville, AR, USA